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10 things to do once you find out your Pregnant!

Updated: Jan 5, 2019

Congrats, your pregnant! After the high wears off it can feel overwhelming so here is a list of to do's the minute you find out.

I've been pregnant now 3 times and it still feels overwhelming after it sinks in that I'm really pregnant. I feel like I go through the same process again of not knowing where to start and what to do next. Here is the list of things I did when I found out!

#1 - Schedule a Dr. appointment with your OB

I think this is pretty obvious but just in case your already suffering from pregnancy brain then here it is to remind you! Call your OB and let them know you took an at home test that says positive. The nurse will ask for your last period date and duration, which helps them figure out how far along they think you are. Usually they schedule your appointment to come in when your 8 to 9 weeks! 1st Done!

#2 - Start taking prenatal pills

The Dr will give you samples of prenatal's but, until then you need to start taking them immediately. I bought the CVS brand Prenatal Multi+DHA with folic acid, they have the same ingredients as the name brand just way cheaper (try to save money when i can) when I had morning sickness I couldn't swallow a horse pill so the Gummie Prenatal's were my go to.

#3 - Do not eat raw meat or eggs

No sushi, No cookie dough, No eggs over easy, No lunch meat in a package and No processed meat like hot dogs.

Now again check with your Dr first (they should give you a list of all the do's and dont's at your first appointment)

#4 - decide how to tell your hubby

This does not have to be a big event or surprise unless you want it to be. I didn't with my first two but, this time around I wanted to surprise my hubby cause I knew he would be shocked!

I taped the two positive pregnancy test to the bottom of an amazon box, with crinkled paper on top for filler. Taped the box back up and put a cute card on top of it. when I handed it to him and told him to open the card first (which had nothing to do with having a baby, it was more like a romantic kinda card) He looked at me and asked if he had missed our anniversary lol. I told him it was just because I loved him. He proceeded to open the box, pulling the paper away trying to guess what I had got him!! The moment he saw the pregnancy test he jumped back gasping and holding his chest saying Oh My God!! It was definitely a surprise and I know he went through all the emotions just as I did. Loved seeing the look on his face and the love we had once we both realized it was really happening for a 3rd time ha!!

#5 - download pregnancy apps

Over the years they have come out with so many improved pregnancy apps. I use quite a few for many different parts of pregnancy. The one I recommend to Start with is Pregnancy+ Check back next week for my full list of my favorite pregnancy apps to download!!!

#6 - No heavy lifting

This will be the case during your whole pregnancy especially if you are high risk or like me have joint and back issues. You also want to be extra careful from now until you hit 13 weeks pregnant, that is considered the safe zone.

#7 - Less caffeine

I love my coffee in the mornings just like the next girl but my Dr advised me to have one cup in the morning and then have decaf during the day. This also applies to soda. Consult your Dr first, and make sure you are drinking more water than anything, but when those cravings come do not deprive yourself just make smart choices!

#8 - start eating healthy

Now each pregnancy is different, I know because each of my 3 have been opposite of each other in every way! Yes, you need to eat healthy not only for baby but for yourself. Pregnancy takes everything from us, so eating healthy really helps to keep the energy up. . I struggle everyday to keep a balanced diet so I try to keep baby carrots, grapes, apples with peanut butter, string cheese and peanuts in Ziploc bags, easy to grab on the go!

Try to make good choices but please do not beat your self up over it. When I get a couple of healthy foods in one day, that's a win in my book!!

#9 - stretch every morning

Early on in your pregnancy you probably don't feel any discomfort or pain yet. I will say that if you are stretching every morning your body (especially your back) will thank you when that pain starts kicking in. Exercise is good too but, do not go out and start working out if you were not already doing so. If you are wanting to start just make sure you are starting slow and not over doing it.

#10 - dealing with morning sickness, constipation and stretch marks

morning sickness is awful, and thankfully for me it only lasted the first trimester but some can have it all through out their pregnancy.

If you do suffer from this a couple things that helped me are- eating crackers before getting out of bed, drinking water and ginger ale, pregnancy pops and candies and trying to eat soup when I'm feeling really hungry

Constipation is just another part of pregnancy, we will all have to go through it at some point. Make sure you keep some laxatives on hand. Milk of magnesia worked best for me, I will drink it every night before bed with a glass of water. That way it can work all night and I can go to the bathroom first thing in the morning. The worst thing to do is wait till your in pain during the day while your trying to get through everyday life and all you can think about is crawling into a ball on the floor until it passes.

Stretch marks are all about your genes, some have great genes others don't but that doesn't mean you should not do what you can to keep your skin healthy and happy while its stretching with your growing baby. There are many great products out there in all different price ranges. I use Mama Mio tummy butter, bio oil and Palmers cocoa butter lotion, they have done a great job on my skin through my 2 other pregnancies. I do have a couple stretch marks but I love that they remind me of the journey I went through to see my babies faces.

these next steps are optional but I would highly recommend the earlier you get started on it the less stressed you will be later on.

- Take pics of your growing belly.

- schedule announcement photos

- start secret Pintrest boards for baby

- start organizing the clutter

- start a diaper stock pile

- start a registry. I use Baby List so I can add things from any website



Soul Tribe Mama

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